Thursday, August 26, 2010

Getting the Procedure Done in Albany, New York

A few people have asked me if I saw the lady called Maria who was on CTV News last week. Here is the link to the story - (  She mentions that she got the liberation treatment in the US for $5,000.  I had already made my plans for Poland when I found out about Dr. Siskin in Albany, New York back in May but I would definitely go there this time around if I find out my vein has blocked back up (restenosed) which happened according to Dr. Zamboni in approx. 50% of the people he did the procedure on. 

I believe that the lady on CTV might have gotten the procedure done by Dr. Siskin in Albany, New York.  From forums that I have read, many Canadians are going to Albany, New York. Don't quote me on this but I read somewhere that they perform the procedure for $3,000 plus $2,000 per stent if done at the clinic and prices are more if done at the hospital. There is a waiting list of 3-4 months. If you want more information here is the link to this clinic -

There was a CCSVI Symposium a few weeks ago in New York where the doctors performing the procedure spoke.  Dr. Siskin was there and if you want to hear him talk about his procedures that he has performed, here are the links: 
Part 1
Part 2

If you feel like doing some reading, there is also a link on the internet called This is MS where people talk about their experience of getting the procedure done in Albany, NY:

There is another doctor that does the procedure in Albany NY and his name is Dr. Mehta. I read that he only does unilateral venoplasty -- he only does one jugular at a time for safety reasons but he will two in the same week.   Dr. Manish Mehta's phone number: 518-262-5640 and his website is:  To read what other people have said about him, go to this link - -

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