Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Video of My Brooklyn Procedure - January 13, 2011

Last week I received the CD of my procedure from Brooklyn. I was disappointed that this was strictly images and not like the one I got from Poland which was video where you can actually see your heart beating! However I combined all the images into a show and uploaded it to YouTube. Here is the link:

You can clearly see where the blockages were as the inserted balloons show the area of constriction.  If you want to compare it with the written report, it is included in a tab above.

This past weekend I spent it in Kingston since my daughter was in a hockey tournament.  I went to the arenas for 3 our of the 4 games she played.  There is no way in the winter I could walk alone with just my cane as hitting water could send me for a tumble.  Thank god my husband does not mind (well he says he doesn't) walk slowly with me hanging off of him!

My lower back is still very sore but I actually spent time yesterday and today doing stretches and getting on my recumbent bicycle.  My left leg is not very cooperative and I sometimes have to use my arm to make it turn.  Since I just started using the bicyble, I am hoping that every day gets easier.  I will keep you updated on my progress.

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